Editorial Policies
Editorial Policies


The Journal publishes research articles, research notes, and policy papers. Special issues dealing with a specific theme or based on selected conference presentations can also be published at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.

Research articles provide complete description of an original study and offer advances to the current knowledge on development studies and governance. JPAD requires 6,000 – 10,000 words for this type of article and a specific format comprised of:

Meanwhile, research notes highlight commentaries on the application of specific methodology/model, methodological innovations, theoretical insights from the analysis of data, or preliminary empirical findings that merit immediate publication. Research notes are concise, focused articles containing 3,000 – 5,000 words and may not follow the usual format of a research article but it must contain the title, author’s or authors’ information, and abstract and keywords.

Lastly, JPAD welcomes papers that analyze policy issues related to development and governance. Policy papers published in this Journal should be based on a policy-oriented research carried out by academics and professionals of relevant fields. For the JPAD, policy papers are limited to 5,000 – 10,000 words and are written following the format below:

  • Limit the title to 15 words.
  • It should be clear, descriptive, and with no abbreviations.
  • Indicate authors’ name and contact information such as designation, name and address of institutional affiliation, email address, and phone number.
  • If there are multiple authors, indicate who the corresponding author is.

Abstract and Keywords

Spacing and Font



Explanatory Notes

